Member Application

Thank you for your interest in the Greater Irvine Chamber

We invite you to be part of one of the most influential Chambers in America and one of the largest in Orange County. Our mission is to advance the economic vitality of greater Irvine. Every day we work to support an economic climate that strengthens the competitiveness of businesses, just like yours.

We offer two types of annual memberships:

    Business – based on full-time employee count to fit your company’s needs.

  • Global $2,599
    500+ Employees

  • National $1,899
    251-499 Employees

  • Regional $1,399
    51-250 Employees

  • Corporate $999
    11-50 Employees
    minimum level for complimentary ribbon cuttings

  • Small Business $699
    0-10 Employees
    minimum level for Leads Groups participation

  • Leaders Circle – access to an elite group representing the most influential companies and organizations in Irvine and Orange County. These organizations receive a packaged membership complete with advertising opportunities, event sponsorships, and special access to VIP events and benefits.

  • Leaders Circle Diamond – $30,000+
    (For customized benefits, email

  • Leaders Circle Platinum – $20,000–$29,999
    (For customized benefits, email

  • Leaders Circle Gold – $10,000–$19,000
    (For customized benefits, email

  • Leaders Circle Silver – $5,500–$9,999
    (For customized benefits, email

  • Leaders Circle Bronze – $3,750–$5,499
    (For customized benefits, email


Activate your annual membership online, today! For assistance, text Dinh Ta, Director of Business Development, at (949) 329-3129 or email

Step 1:

Member Info
Please add your company name.
Please add your company phone number.
Please add your company website.
Physical Address
Please add your address.
Please add your country.
Please add your City.
Please add your State.
Please add your Postal Code.
Mailing Address
Please add your address.
Please add your country.
Please add your City.
Please add your State.
Please add your Postal Code.

Step 2:

Additional Info
Please select a directory category.
Please add your number of full-time employees.
Please add your number of part-time employees.
Looks good!

Step 3:

Primary Contact
Please add your first name.
Please add your last name.
Please add your title.
Please add a valid email.
Please add your address.
Please add your country.
Please add your City.
Please add your State.
Please add your Postal Code.
Create Account
Please add your login password.

Step 4:

Billing Contact
Create Account

Step 5:

Membership Package
Please select a Membership Package
Additional Fees:
Additional Options:
Payment Option
Please complete the Captcha
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